Sunday, December 14, 2014

Grainne and Siobhan's Elf-On-The-Shelf Daily Countdown To Christmas...


Christmas Day at last !
Good tidings of great cheer...
 That rotten Elf can vanish
for another whole year...


2  1 Day Before Christmas...

One day before Christmas,
and what do you think?
We found Elf drunk
by the kitchen sink...

3   2 Days Before Christmas...

Two days before Christmas,
pretty as you please...
Elf dropped his knickers
below his knobby knees!

  4     3 Days Before Christmas...

Three days until Christmas,
great--another chore!
Cleaning Elf's snow angels
off the kitchen floor...

5   4 Days Before Christmas...

Four days before Christmas,
bring me a beer--
I just found Elf swinging
 from a chandelier...

6   5 Days Before Christmas...

 Five days before Christmas,
I feel a little Stress...
Why is Elf wearing
 Barbie's favorite dress?

7  6 Days Before Christmas...

Six days before Christmas,
just for fun,
Elf shot out our Christmas lights
with the Nut Cracker's gun...

 8  7 Days Before Christmas...

Seven days before Christmas,
in horror and dread,
we found Elf smoking 
 in in his tissue box bed...

9   8 Days Before Christmas...

Eight days before Christmas--
 not sooner or later--
 Elf rolled our house
with toilet paper...

10  9 Days Before Christmas...

Nine days before Christmas,
our patience wears thin--
Elf gave us moustaches
with a permanent pen...

11  10   Days Before Christmas...

Ten days before Christmas,
 you'll never guess!
We caught Elf looking
up a fox's dress...
(the little pervert!)

12  11 Days Before Christmas...

Eleven days before Christmas,
by one hand and one knee
that crazy Elf dangled
 from our Christmas tree...
(and broke three balls!


13  12 Days Before Christmas...

 Twelve days before Christmas,
I looked near and far--
and finally found Elf 
in the Biscuit Jar...

14  13  Days Before Christmas...

Thirteen days before Christmas,
 my heart in my throat,
I found Elf bathing
in our best gravy boat...

 "Tis a fortnight before Christmas...
 Siobhan and myself
and all our critters are sleeping--
but not our Shelf Elf..."

And then the trouble begins...