A weathered sign hangs by our door: “A Tinker, a Traveller, and a Little Bohemian”. It describes us well-- for this is what we are, my incredible daughter and myself. She is Siobhan. I am Grainne. We are descendants of two 19th century immigrants, a young Scottish farmer and his Irish Traveller bride. Their ancient mingled blood warms our veins. Their half-forgotten memories linger at the edge of our dreams.
Like the Farmer, we have a fierce love for the land…and a need for roots. Like the Gypsy, we hunger for the wildness of the forest…and the whispered promises of the open road. Like Both, we spend our days outdoors, reveling in the changing seasons—the gentle awakening of the earth in spring, the soft kiss of summer’s sun, the smell of fires burning in the crisp autumn air, the wonder of winter’s first snowflakes. Nature is our favored companion, in calm and in storm…
Siobhan and I cherish the old ways; we are content to cook our meals over an open fire. We find comfort in the glow of oil lamps and candles. We like the feel of moist, rich earth in our hands--and the pleasure of growing our food. We grow our own herbs and flowers to use for healing.
I like to build things, to work with wood. I am a seamstress and a maker of baskets.
Siobhan is a creator of beauty, an artist in all that she does. She is a master of canvas and clay. She is a landscaper of nature. My lovely daughter is a talented aerialist, a lyra ballerina; the circus runs deep in her blood. She is a skilled trainer of horses—as were our ancestors before us.
Perhaps it was inevitable that we would be as we are: wanderers of forests, followers of streams, lovers of nature, planters of herbs, caretakers of animals, menders of things broken, and creators of art…
Siobhan is my cherished daughter and my dearest friend. Our blog is but a glimpse into our lives; read if you will, and share our dreams. Teacht sui ag an tine. Come sit by our fire…
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