You came into this world on a warm August night, 34 years ago--and you changed my life completely. My little ray of sunshine, you made my days full and my heart complete--and you brought laughter to our house. You have always had a special talent for spreading smiles...
When you were 6 months old, you discovered your "inner clown"...As you sat in your high chair one morning, you looked at me and grinned...and then threw yourself sideways onto the chair arm, with your head and arms dangling toward the floor. You looked so comical that I laughed aloud, and said "well, lazybones!". From then on, all I had to do was sit you in your high chair and say "lazybones!" and you would fling yourself sideways and hang limp, grinning from ear to ear...(Your crazy Aunt Saphrona said I shouldn't encourage you, because it was too much like teaching a dog to "sit". But I knew you were doing it just to make me laugh--and I loved it!)
When you were 2, you'd put your tiny hands on both sides of my face and say "let's laugh, Mummy!" and then you would laugh and laugh and laugh. I'd laugh, too...but the only thing funny was You!
When you were 4, you brought me home "surprises" from daycare each day. Usually it was a small flower or a pebble--but one day it was a half-dead worm. I explained to you that worms couldn't live in your pocket, and you very earnestly said, " I put some dirt in there, too!"
When you were 6, you happily went to school--and came home mad because they made you read that old baby book, 'Sally, Dick, and Jane'...I know they were tedious, when you were used to the rollicking good times of 'The Cat In The Hat'--but nonetheless, your teacher wanted you to read it. Out Loud. So with a big sigh, you opened your book and read:
"See Spot."
"See Spot run."
Dick said, "Spot can run."
That was all you could stand...You threw that book down and said "What a dumb thing to say--don't he know that dog can run?! He sure don't know much about dogs!!"

When you were 8, you danced at the county fair with your dance class. You and your little friend Dana practiced for weeks on our front porch...On opening night, the rest of the class had stage fright and couldn't move--but you and Dana danced your little hearts out and stole the show...Later, I heard the dance instructor say, "Well...nobody was doing the Right thing, but at least Siobhan and Dana were doing the Same thing!"
When you were 10, you traded your ballet slippers in for riding boots; a few months later, your riding instructor called to say he had your horse, if we'd like to come out and look at it. I said "What horse?". He said "Siobhan had me looking for her a horse--didn't you know about it?" We all laughed, but it turns out the joke was on us adults. You had saved enough money to buy a horse all by herself--and you did. And she was Wonderful, wasn't she?!
When you were 12, your evil step-father put a rubber worm in your chocolate cocoa-puffs cereal ...and you filled all his clean socks with corn flakes...and I found cereal in the laundry for weeks!
When you were 15, I sent you and 3 friends on a riverboat dinner cruise for your birthday. You all left the dock looking so grown-up in your formal dresses...and You, my mischievous daughter, came back wearing the captain's hat and driving the boat! (You couldn't even drive a CAR yet!!)
When you were 17, you worked at a big Arab farm, grooming and exercising horses. One day the boss came by while you were lounging a horse, and said "Siobhan...did you brush that horse before you brought him out?" You said "Nah--I'll brush him when he goes back in." The boss said "But he's got manure all over him!" And you replied "If he runs fast enough, it'll blow off!" (one of my proudest moments!!)
I hope you enjoyed my favorite memories from your first 17 years; the next 17 were just as much fun--and just as funny. I will always love you, sweet daughter...high as the sky and deep as the sea. Happy Birthday, my darling girl!!!
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