We are all wanderers on this
earth. Our
hearts are full of wonder, and our souls are deep with dreams. Our wisdom is older than Time itself. Our stories and superstitions are old as the ages. We are gypsies.
"Turn sideways in the wind". This is but one of many
gypsy sayings, ancient and oft-repeated. Are they snippets and bits
of gypsy wisdom-- or just quaint gypsy superstition? It is for us to decide...
1. Our caravan is our family, and the world is our family. Burn your enemy's caravan and you burn you future. |
2. Where the wagon goes, a trail will follow. |
3. Gypsy gold does not chink and glitter, it gleams in the sun and neighs in the dark. | | | | | | | | | | | | |
4. You cannot walk straight when the road is bent. |
5. Treat your luck well and it will never leave you. |
6. A lonely old crow, see someone you know; fly to your right, sure to be right; if you are hawking, money by night. |
7. Behind bad luck comes good luck. |
8. Tears shed at a funeral will sear the heart of the dead. |
9. To see a mule shake itself is a sign of good luck. |
10. A shooting star is a sign of death. |
11. To see one crow means sorrow; two crows together means joy. A dead crow in the road is a sign to turn back--no gypsy will pass it. |
12. A moth hovering over a flame means a letter by morning. |
13. The number 13 is always a lucky one. |
14. Park your wagon by a holly tree--it will give divine protection. |
15. A crooked pin in a man's coat will make him lucky at cards. |
16. Sweep beneath a young girl's feet, and she will never marry. |
17. Without wood the fire would die. |
18. The true nettle stings from the beginning. |
19. Money in hand, bride on horse. |
20. "Laughter is brightest where there is food." |
Each day as we do evening stables, hand-feeding carrots from door to door, I tell the kind and patient horse at the end of the row "I saved the best for last". I shall have to say
the same thing about this post; my favorite saying is the last one:
21. "You may not know where you go, but never forget where you came from." |
Bater, muro amal...
(May it be so, my friend...)
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