"With rushing winds and gloomy skies
The dark and stubborn Winter dies:
Far-off, unseen, Spring faintly cries,
Bidding her earliest child arise; March!"
--Bayard Taylor
"March already!" I think, as I turn yet another page on my calendar ( it seems I only bought it yesterday...) Hard to believe, but it has been a year now since I first began this blog. What a year it has been!
Twelve full, rich months shared with Siobhan and Liam, and our four-legged farm family of dogs, cats, horses, and goats... Weeks filled with work days and holidays, family dinners and Freak Show gatherings, family births and family deaths; Red Letter Days spent at the circus,( and one wonderful evening spent with Hugh Laurie and The Copper Bottom Band)...Countless happy hours spent doing the things we love best-- gardening and making fresh chevre, growing herbs and making healing salves; riding horses, kayaking, or hiking; working on our beloved gypsy wagon...faithfully writing weekly posts...then reading them aloud to Siobhan, and laughing-- always laughing...
Three hundred sixty-five days. Sixty posts. By now you must know me and my family well--Siobhan and Liam. The Freak Show...You have seen glimmers of our thoughts and dreams, glimpses of our daily lives. And now we have come full-circle.
Once again it is Spring...Time to sow seeds and begin our garden; time for diligence in finishing our wagon; time to free our kayaks from winter storage, and heed the call of our rain-swollen river. Time to write less and live more...
But this is not The End. I will continue to post wagon updates each month until our wagon is complete.... And even then, I have had entirely too much fun with this blog to just cast it aside--for that reason alone I will continue to write nonsense and drivel when I feel inspired...
As for now,
(Good Health!)
Latcho Drom!
(Good Journey!)
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