Sunday, December 14, 2014

Grainne and Siobhan's Elf-On-The-Shelf Daily Countdown To Christmas...


Christmas Day at last !
Good tidings of great cheer...
 That rotten Elf can vanish
for another whole year...


2  1 Day Before Christmas...

One day before Christmas,
and what do you think?
We found Elf drunk
by the kitchen sink...

3   2 Days Before Christmas...

Two days before Christmas,
pretty as you please...
Elf dropped his knickers
below his knobby knees!

  4     3 Days Before Christmas...

Three days until Christmas,
great--another chore!
Cleaning Elf's snow angels
off the kitchen floor...

5   4 Days Before Christmas...

Four days before Christmas,
bring me a beer--
I just found Elf swinging
 from a chandelier...

6   5 Days Before Christmas...

 Five days before Christmas,
I feel a little Stress...
Why is Elf wearing
 Barbie's favorite dress?

7  6 Days Before Christmas...

Six days before Christmas,
just for fun,
Elf shot out our Christmas lights
with the Nut Cracker's gun...

 8  7 Days Before Christmas...

Seven days before Christmas,
in horror and dread,
we found Elf smoking 
 in in his tissue box bed...

9   8 Days Before Christmas...

Eight days before Christmas--
 not sooner or later--
 Elf rolled our house
with toilet paper...

10  9 Days Before Christmas...

Nine days before Christmas,
our patience wears thin--
Elf gave us moustaches
with a permanent pen...

11  10   Days Before Christmas...

Ten days before Christmas,
 you'll never guess!
We caught Elf looking
up a fox's dress...
(the little pervert!)

12  11 Days Before Christmas...

Eleven days before Christmas,
by one hand and one knee
that crazy Elf dangled
 from our Christmas tree...
(and broke three balls!


13  12 Days Before Christmas...

 Twelve days before Christmas,
I looked near and far--
and finally found Elf 
in the Biscuit Jar...

14  13  Days Before Christmas...

Thirteen days before Christmas,
 my heart in my throat,
I found Elf bathing
in our best gravy boat...

 "Tis a fortnight before Christmas...
 Siobhan and myself
and all our critters are sleeping--
but not our Shelf Elf..."

And then the trouble begins...

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving From The Ghost Of Freak Shows Past...

I want to wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving today, even though it's a little early...This time tomorrow, Siobhan, Liam, and I will be having our own private Thanksgiving celebration, held in a secret spot,well- hidden, deep in a secluded location.  Probably under assumed names.  Possibly wearing false mustaches.

Why the secrecy, you ask?  Have you forgotten the last time we hosted a family Thanksgiving dinner--- or in our case, The Family Freak Show Feast?!  Perhaps I need to jog your memory a little...

For those of you not familiar with this particular holiday, Thanksgiving is celebrated in the U.S. on the 4th Thursday of November. (Apparently our forefathers couldn't agree on an actual calendar date--like the 17th, or the 24th.)  Early Pilgrim settlers held the first Thanksgiving feast to give thanks for having survived one year in a new land.  They were mostly thankful for not perishing from starvation or disease, or being murdered in their sleep by the natives...(Later on, to show their gratitude, the same settlers massacred the natives and took their land.  Go figure.)

Over the years, Thanksgiving has evolved into a day of football games and televised parades, as well as the traditional stuff-yourself-feast with family and friends.  Or in our case, The Freak Show...

Traditionally Siobhan and I host Thanksgiving dinner here at Just 2 Gypsies Farm.  We do all of the cooking, but occasionally some of the Freak Show will volunteer to bring a casserole of some sort, or a dessert.  Each year Siobhan and I take great pains to have the house and barn sparkling clean (Mama is a neat freak), and all the leaves raked from the back garden ( Saphrona chain-smokes).  We even bathe our dogs!

Siobhan and I carefully plan our menu...We roast our turkey under a clean lard bucket in our garden; we bake herb and cornbread dressing in a cast iron skillet over the fire pit.  We prepare the other dishes indoors--green bean casserole, sweet potato casserole, mashed potatoes, creamed corn; deviled eggs, cranberry salad, caramelized root vegetables, yeast rolls.  Pumpkin pie, sweet potato pie, pecan pie; and for something a little different this year, two dozen specially made pumpkin and cream cheese cupcakes...

It is 11:55; Siobhan and I are right on schedule.  The tables are set with sparkling china and silverware; Siobhan's fresh flowers and folded napkins add just the right touch.  The side table and counter tops all groan with their load of food.  The blend of aromas wafting from the kitchen is heavenly...

Now it's 12:00--High Noon---the time Mama decreed we should eat; everything is ready, and The Freak Show has not arrived yet.  And so we wait...

 At 12:07,  Mama bustles in with my sweet father in tow.  She is carrying an enormous box of cupcakes, beautifully decorated by a local bakery, and completely unexpected by the menu planners (Siobhan and me).  As usual, Mama is complaining about the weather, the traffic, and how it's all my father's fault that she's late ( 7 minutes-- big deal.)  Suddenly Mama spots Siobhan's cupcakes.  "WHERE DID YOU GET THOSE CUPCAKES?  NOBODY TOLD ME YOU WERE HAVING CUPCAKES!!" And Mama flounces angrily into the living room.  Dad meekly follows. Siobhan makes room for Mama's cupcakes on the side table, and we all sit down.  Again we wait...

At 12:12, Uncle Patrick and Aunt Leona come in; Aunt Leona is carrying a huge platter of cupcakes, supplied by her neighborhood bakery (again, totally unexpected by the menu planners!). Aunt Leona and Mama glare at the cupcakes and glare at each other; Mama immediately goes outside.  Aunt Leona pouts; she and Uncle Patrick sit in silence. Siobhan looks around helplessly for a place to put the newest cupcakes; finally she gives up and sits them on the stove top. We continue to wait...

At 12:18, my extremely pregnant cousin Lavinia breezes in, her husband  Julio and their two little boys in tow.  She is breathless from hurrying, and apologetic for being late.  She hands me a large white box with --you guessed it!--two dozen cupcakes inside.  Speechless, I hand them to Siobhan...She doesn't even look at the kitchen. With a glazed look in her eye, Siobhan takes them directly to the laundry room and plops them down on top of the dryer.

At 12:20, my brother Eamon stomps in, with Mama hot on his heels.  He hands me a bag of buns and 2 lbs. of ground beef.  Puzzled, I ask "What is this for?"  Freak Boy tells me that he's not in the mood for turkey; he brought uncooked ground beef  so I could grill hamburgers for him.  (Yep--you read that right.  He brought it late, and he brought it for ME to grill!)  Eamon heads for the TV,  and Mama tells me "Don' t dare upset him!  Go on and get out the grill--we can't eat until your sister gets here anyway!!"  Then Mama marches off to sit with her pet Eamon , and they all continue waiting...

Meanwhile, Siobhan rolls her eyes and heads outside with a bag of charcoal.  I meet her in the back garden, where we hastily build a fire that would make any arsonist proud.  Ten minutes later, with the charcoal still blazing, we throw Eamon's slapped-together, misshapen hamburger patties on the grill.   While the burgers are burning, Siobhan and I sit down and WE wait ...

It is now 12:45; Eamon's burgers are thoroughly blackened, and Siobhan and I are back in the kitchen.  Now in dead silence we ALL wait...

 It is 1:10, and miraculously Saphrona finally rolls in-- 1 hour and 10 minutes late, and making no apologies to anyone. She is dressed up like a dog's dinner in her turquoise leopard print sheer top, black lace camisole, and rhinestone-encrusted jeans with fringe from hip to ankle, and random placed holes.  On her feet are glittery purple high-top tennis shoes with wedge heels; her purse is large enough to hide a pizza pan in, and is covered with guinea feathers. (I kid you not.  Our dogs go wild and try to attack it...) A dozen gold bracelets hang on each arm, and more chains than I can count are around her neck. (Remember Mr. T?)  Her black feather earrings don't look too bad--mostly because they blend in with her leopard-spotted black and blond hair...

When I can finally tear my eyes away from Saphrona's normal-for-her attire, I see that she is carrying a large paper bag, and is heading straight for me.  With ominous forebodings I ask "what is this?"  Saphrona replies "It's corn--I think it would be nice if you cook some for Thanksgiving dinner." (Again late, and again with the "YOU cook!")   Saphrona is 56 years old...This is the first time she has ever brought food of any kind to a family gathering.  Mama beams  at her firstborn daughter, then harshly tells me to hurry up and cook the corn so Saphrona won't feel bad. Siobhan and I look in the bag, and the corn hasn't even been shucked...

By this time, dinner has been cooling for 1 hour and 18 minutes.  Siobhan and I are starving, we have a roomful of hungry people not talking to each other, and my own patience is wearing thin. (That's putting it mildly--I feel like steam is coming from my ears!)  I look at Siobhan, and see that she feels the same.  So we defy Mama.  We dig our heels in and absolutely refuse to shuck that damned corn. So much for manners.  Forget "southern hospitality".  We tell the Freak Show that dinner is served NOW--if you  want any food, get to the table. 

  In single file, we fill our plates with now-cold food, and wait in line at the microwave.  Finally we all sit down at the table and give thanks for our very late Thanksgiving dinner...Between bites, Mama and Aunt Leona glare at one another and alternately squawk at their husbands. Dad and Uncle Patrick keep their heads down and humbly take the abuse.  Lavinia referees between her boys, and Julio wishes he was still in Puerto Rico.  Eamon is dark as a thundercloud because his new girlfriend isn't here. Too bad she couldn't come; she would have fit right in with The Freak Show, being a midget and all.  (Just kidding, folks--she's at least 4' 5".) My loony sister Saphrona is lit up like a Christmas tree, talking gibberish about God-knows-what as she pops a handful of pain pills into her mouth...(It may be mumbo-jumbo, but it sounds suspiciously like  "I gotta find a way to scam me up some  money!")  We all pretend we didn't hear...

I look around the table at our strange assortment of relatives and I smile. With our Freak Show, I'm thankful that Thanksgiving only comes once a year.  Siobhan looks around the table and she smiles.  With our Freak Show gene pool, she's thankful she can even tie her shoes...

Happy Thanksgiving to you all.  Cupcake, anyone?     

Thursday, November 20, 2014

We're Just2Gypsies, and "They're All Peanuts!!!"

Even as a small child, Siobhan had her own particular brand of wisdom--and her own quirky way of looking at the world.  Siobhan never had green beans or green peas for dinner; to her, they were "round beans" or "straight beans". ( And they still are.)
Straight beans.

Round beans.

When she was 3, I heard Siobhan telling a neighbor's child the Facts of Life..."I know how to tell boys from girls."  I couldn't believe my ears.  And then, nonchalantly she finished  "The girls have long eyelashes".
Boy frog.

On the kindergarten playground, 5-year-old Siobhan's favorite thing was the giant slide.  One day, as she struggled to climb the tall ladder, a little boy waiting below said "I see your underwear."  Without missing a beat, my little daughter said "If you want to see underwear, why don't you just go to Kmart?  They've got stacks of 'em!"

You get the picture...

For some odd reason, Siobhan always had an aversion to peanuts...She hated the taste, and the very texture of a peanut on her tongue would send her spitting and running for the nearest  trash bin. Of course, this peanut phobia spilled over to all the other nuts--Brazil, pecan, walnut, pistachio, nuts of any name.  But no matter what they're called, they're all Peanuts  to Siobhan.  ( Seriously.  You'll never convince her otherwise.)  And according to her, the only good "peanut" is a Circus Peanut.

 Recently Siobhan's on-again/off-again boyfriend of seven years brought her a dinky little box of truffles.  Those pitiful truffles were a feeble excuse of an apology--for forgetting her birthday. Again.  My sweet Siobhan graciously thanked him, (which was more than I would have done), and then hesitantly asked  if there were "peanuts" in them.  He assured her there was not.  Wrong, poor fool!

You can just imagine the scene that followed--the spitting and running and gagging. A coughing Siobhan saying "There ARE peanuts in them!!" .  A red faced Michael saying "No no no!  It's not peanuts--it's Pecans!"   And a furious Siobhan shouting "THEY'RE ALL PEANUTS, MICHAEL!!!"  A slamming door.  Exit Siobhan.

Liam and I sat in our porch swing, quietly laughing.  Our lovely daughter is wise and witty, kind and compassionate, and  Full of Fire.   You're no match for her, Michael.  You may as well go home now...

Beware of peanuts.


Friday, October 31, 2014


HALLOWEEN GREETINGS FROM JUST2GYPSIES!  And what could be better on Halloween than sharing a couple of  creepy cocktails?

zombie woman : a scary undead zombie girl


  • 1/2 ounce white rum
  • 1 1/2 ounces golden rum
  • 1 ounce dark rum
  • 1/2 ounce 151-proof rum
  • 1 ounce lime juice
  • 1 teaspoon pineapple juice
  • 1 teaspoon papaya juice
  • 1 teaspoon superfine sugar


Add the ingredients other than the 151-proof rum to a shaker or a pitcher and stir. Add to a collins glass that is filled 3/4s full with cracked ice.  Enjoy!

post icon

Siobhan's Favorite:



3 cups tomato juice
1 cup vodka
1 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon prepared horseradish
3 ounces fresh lime juice, plus a wedge for rimming glasses
3 ounces Worcestershire sauce
Sriracha sauce
Seafood seasoning, such as Old Bay, for rimming glasses


Special equipment: 4 Collins glasses

Suggested garnishes: celery sticks, blue cheese stuffed olives, sliced banana peppers. small cooked shrimp, lime and lemon wedges, pickled green beans

In a large pitcher, stir the tomato juice, vodka, horseradish, lime juice, Worcestershire and some Sriracha together until combined. Chill until ready to serve.

To serve, cut a slice in a lime wedge and rub it around half of the rim of 4 Collins glasses. Pour some seafood seasoning on a plate and dip the wet rims into the spice to adhere. Fill the glasses with ice and the chilled Bloody Mary, and garnish as desired.


Thursday, October 30, 2014

Note To Siobhan...

Note To Siobhan...

Dearest Daughter,

please PLEASE PLEASE  stop using our best Tupperware bowls for soaking cats' feet--and try not to use their lids as stretchers for injured frogs.  Seriously.  Your heart is in the right place, but it's really kind of gross.  Besides, I need them in the kitchen...Thanks!


Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Building A Gypsy Wagon, Part 11 / Bohemian Bits And Bobs (Tying Loose Ends, Completing Odd Jobs...)

Since my last wagon post, Just3Gypsies Farm has been inundated with emergencies--horse injuries, cat funerals, and dog surgeries.  Such is life on a farm--particularly one that is blessed with a multitude of animals...
 Between emergencies, Siobhan and I have continued to work on our beloved gypsy wagon--building  roof trusses and roof framework while waiting for our tin roofing  to arrive.  When our framing was completed, we concentrated on more pleasurable work-- adding bohemian bits and bobs, tying loose ends, completing odd jobs. All the Fun Stuff.  Some folks say "the devil is in the details".   Other folks say "What the hell does THAT mean?!"  I say  it's the smallest details that give us the greatest pleasure.

Some of the details we added were Necessities...

An antique chest (Cline's antiques, $75.00) with a large drawer for storing table cloths and kitchen linens, and ample cabinet space below for storing canned goods and tableware.  The chest's large flat top accommodates a cutting board and bread basket, and serves as a workspace.
  A fully functioning replica antique icebox (Ebay, $125.00) 
Gypsies took great pride in their wagons, and kept them scrupulously clean.  Siobhan and I found the perfect cleaning tools to help us uphold the tradition: 

  Ornate vintage clothes brushes (Ebay, $6.00 and $4.00) to hang beneath ledge seats--perfect for keeping cushions clean and bright.

 A beautiful hand painted broom and wooden dust pan, a treasured gift from Siobhan (Victorian Trading Company, $29.95 and $24.95) and a vintage Fuller Brush Company ostrich feather duster (Ebay, $19.99)


Some of the details we added were Luxuries.

 Siobhan remarked that the Horse Chair would be a cozy place to curl up and read or sketch--if it only had a convenient tray to hold a drink or snack .  And so the drop-down shelf tray was built, complete with a wooden rack below it for books or artist supplies. (hinges, Lowes, $; no other expense--made from scrap lumber.)

  True to gypsy tradition, every bed and bench is resplendent with ornate cushions and pillows.

Woven tapestry pillows on Siobhan's Horse Bench (ebay, $18.00 and $33.00).  Arm rests are made from wood scraps and carved wood horse corbels (ebay, $55.00).  * Coordinating small  brush hanging beneath bench seat for cleaning cushions (vintage clothes brush with carved horse head handle, ebay, $14.00).
Woven tapestry pillows on long bench seat (ebay $33.00 ea.).  Arm rests are built with antique carved wood lion corbels (ebay, $65.00 per pair), and antique brass stair rail brackets (pictured below).  *Vintage carved lint brush with lion handle (ebay, $6.00)  matches carved arm rests.

Spider Web Motif Handrail Bracket In Antique-By-Hand Finish (item #R-010MG-125-ABH)
House of Antique Hardware, $24.95 each.

Sacred Grove print cushions in lower sleeping quarters (Gael Song, $26.00 ea.)

Various pillows in upper sleeping berth: antique circus print pillows (etsy, $34.00 ea.),  woven tapestry elephant pillow (Amazon, $19.90), embroidered beaded floor cushion (Eyes of India, $31.88).

One of Siobhan's treasured "bits and bobs"--an antique hand carved wood clown, rescued from a now-defunct traveling circus...(private purchase, $110.00)

  Each window in our wagon is adorned with a creamy antique lace panel and an antique embroidered Rabari Banjara valance  (antique lace panels, circa 1920, purchased from Yorke Centre of Antiques, UK, $7.00 - $18.00 ea.) ; antique kutch valances, Maharaiartsus/Ebay, $65.00 - $94.00).


 A custom doggie bench was built beneath Siobhan's back window; the padded upholstered top lifts for easy storage of rawhide bones, dog sweaters, leashes, and treats. No expense--made entirely from lumber scraps and fabric remnants.

Sometimes Siobhan and I will look at something we've built, and say "wouldn't this work better?"  And so we tweak our design a little.

 After several near-slips, we added extra wood handles (Grand River Wood Products, $12.50 ea.) to the sides of Siobhan's ladder as a safety precaution.    

 After Boxing in under the hearth floor extension, we said "Wait a minute!  Why couldn't we add a door to one end and use it for storage?!"  And so we did...
Storage compartment is large enough to accommodate a folding pet gate, a large flashlight, and a small fire extinguisher.

Some of our favorite bits and bobs were added simply for the Pleasure they give us...

Antique carved wood horse corbels, purchased from India through Ebay. ( $55.00 ea ); carved pediment, Cline's Antiques ($16.00).


Antique carved wood king and queen figurines, purchased on Ebay.  ($46.00 pair)

                               Antique horse brasses, purchased through ($16.00 ea).
                               Custom leather martingales, hand made by Master Saddler Robert
                               Steinke, Ireland ($44.00 ea.)

And now, FINALLY, our tin roofing panels have arrived!  So it's Back To Work--until next post...

"Baxt hai sastimos tiri patragi."
"good luck and health"